Wednesday, February 7, 2018 / an INTERVAL with The Black Aesthetic / Black on Black-ness / 1:00-6pm / E Baskin Art D101
INTERVAL is partnering with The Black Aesthetic (TBA) on an event titled “Black on Black-ness” that seeks to think through the contemporary proliferation of various black signs whose aesthetic and commercial ownership holds a slippery relation to black people. TBA will screen and lead a workshop on Coonskin (1975) and Tangerine (2015)—films that provide ways of speaking about controversy, black aesthetics and questions of authorship.
The Black Aesthetic is an Oakland-based creative organization—recently featured in the East Bay Express—whose mission is to curate and assemble both a collective and distinct understanding of Black visual culture. Through film screenings, publications, and product development, TBA is exploring the question, "What is the Black aesthetic sensibility and what does it look like to you?”
This event is organized by INTERVAL and hosted by OpenLab with support from Film & Digital Media, History of Consciousness, and the Art Department at UCSC. INTERVAL is a space dedicated to interdisciplinary play and experimentation in art and scholarship.
Refreshments provided.
Space is limited. Please RSVP to to receive precirculated readings.
Black on Black-ness
January 22, 2018